Monday, October 19, 2009

Lil' Pumpkin Baby Shower

I believe today is the day the world will welcome a new baby into Jake's family. We're so excited to see you, baby!
Just 2 weeks ago we had a baby shower for your mom with a cute little pumpkin theme.

Uncle Jake made the food and I baked lil' pumpkin cookies to give away as favors.
Everyone got to take home two yummy pumpkin cookies as well as a mini pumpkin.
Your daddy's Auntie S even made a cute Pumpkin Bear cake!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ultra Violet Mt. Dew

I like the color purple just as much as I like a good sale, so when I spotted Mt. Dew's new Ultra Violet on sale I decided to try it. The pop is really pretty - a light lavender color in the bottle. But when I poured it into my glass all the fizz and bubbles turned a sky blue color. Disturbing.

The taste? Not so great - much too sweet and syrupy for my liking. I couldn't drink the whole bottle.

Dear Mt. Dew,

Please bring Mt. Dew Throwback back.

